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Spartan Promise

The Spartan East Side Promise provides a pathway to guaranteed general admission to San Jose State University (SJSU) by clearly specifying admission requirements and actively sharing this information with students and families at the East Side Union High School District (ESUHSD).
By identifying the specific criteria for guaranteed SJSU general admission as part of the Spartan East Side Promise, ESUHSD students will know what is expected early in their academic careers.
Students entering as a freshman in high school is guaranteed the same criteria when the student applies in their senior year.

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The goals of the Spartan East Side Promise are:
  • To increase the number if ESUHSD students applying to and being admitted to college
  • To contribute to a college-going culture within the ESUHSD based on a shared commitment to diversity and equity

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Students graduating from an East Side Union high school will qualify for guaranteed general admission to SJSU if the following conditions are met:
  • A high school graduate from ESUHSD
  • Apply to SJSU by November 30th
  • Successfully complete all A-G courses with grades of C- or highe
Click here for more information:  The Spartan Promise Handout.