Sports InformationTop of Page
Update: January 10th, 2025
Athletes! Spring sports are HERE! Make sure you have all your athletic clearance, sports phyiscals and paperwork updated to participate. Click on the sports season on the right to get informton on getting cleared to play and parent meetings.
- January 15 -- Winter season coaches meeting @ 5pm in S200
- January 27 -- Winter season parent meeting @ 6pm in Learning Center
- February 3 -- 1st day of practice, athletes must be cleared on HOME CAMPUS
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Attention ALL Athletes!!!Top of Page
Update: October 17th, 2023
Attention all althletes interested in participating in 2022-23 winter athletics!
A doctor is available for "sports physicals" in the Health Clinic (S105). Make sure you make an appointment to guarantee your spot! You will also need the physical form filled out prior to arriving (found online under forms).
For those interested in WINTER season sports, please click on the "Winter Sports" link to the right.
Email the Athletic Director, Ms. Winterstein, if you have any further questions.
Also, follow Andrew Hill Athletics on Twitter @AHillAthletics.
Go Falcons!
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Sports Parent and Student Presentation 2021Top of Page
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Residential EligibilityTop of Page
- If Andrew Hill is the only high school you have ever attended, then you are eligible for the current school year.
- If you attended a different high school within the last twelve (12) months, you must fill out paperwork to be cleared to participate.
- Please see an Athletic Director to start the transfer process ASAP. Ask for coach for more info or to get a hold of an AD.
- You will not be allowed to participate in ANY contest until you are cleared by the CCS office.
- ONLY an Athletic Director can inform the coach of a student-athlete's of eligibility status!
- Coaches are to check with an Athletic Director for any questions in regards to a student-athlete's eligibility status.
- DO NOT CONTACT the CCS Office directly. Only an Athletic Director can contact the CCS Office.
- Transfer applications take approximately three (3) weeks to process, so please be patient and await a notification from an Athletic Director.
Academic EligibilityTop of Page
- Minimum GPA: 2.0 with no more than one (1) "F" grade.
- Students must earn a minimun of 20 credits (pass 4 classes) during the eligibitly grading period.
- Eligibility is determined by grading period grades, not school loop grades.
- Eligibility changes five (5) school days after the end of the grading period.
- If you are ineligible, the coach can immediately remove you from the team.
District Athletics ProgramTop of Page
For information on requirements for participation, codes of conduct and more, please visit the District website.