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Title IX & Gender Equity

Title IX Data (2022 - 2023)
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2022 - 2023 

Gender of Students Total Enrollement of the School Number of pupils enrolled at the school who participate in competive athletics
Male Students
834 283
Female Students 830 226
Other 2 0

Total Number of Boys and Girls Teams

Classified by Sport Number of Male Teams Number of Female Teams
Badminton 1 1
Baseball 1 -
Basketball 2 2
Competitive Cheer (Traditional) 0 1
Cross Country 1 1
Football 2 -
Golf 1 0
Soccer 2 2
Softball - 1
Swimming & Diving 1 1
Tennis 0 1
Track and Field 1 1
Volleyball 2 2
Wrestling 1 0

Total Number of Boys' and Girl's Teams

Classifed by Competition Level Number of Male Teams Number of Female Teams
Non-varsity Levles 4 3
Varsity Levels 11 10

Total Number of Players on Team Rosters

Badminton CoEd (V) 64
Baseball (JV and V) 15
Boys' Basketball (F/S and V) 24
Girls' Basketball (JV and V) 20
Cheer - Traditional Competive 25
Boys' XC (V) 31
Girls' XC (V) 25
Football (F/S and V) 58
Golf (V) 4
Boys' Soccer (JV and V) 28
Girls' Soccer (JV and V) 25
Softball (JV and V) 10
Boys' Swimming (V) 8
Girls' Swimming (V) 9
Boys' Tennis (V) 0
Girls' Tennis (V) 13
Boys' Track and Field (V) 40
Girls' Track and Field (V) 35
Girls Volleyball (JV and V) 30
Boys' Volleyball (V) 32
Wrestling (JV and V) 14

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Title IX Data (2021 - 2022)
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2021 - 2022 

Gender of Students Total Enrollement of the School Number of pupils enrolled at the school who participate in competive athletics
Male Students
901 243
Female Students 876 207

Total Number of Boys and Girls Teams

Classified by Sport Number of Male Teams Number of Female Teams
Badminton 1 1
Baseball 1 -
Basketball 2 2
Competitive Cheer (Traditional) - 1
Cross Country 1 1
Football 2 -
Soccer 2 2
Softball - 1
Swimming 1 1
Tennis 0 1
Track and Field 1 1
Volleyball 1 2
Wrestling 2 1

Total Number of Boys' and Girl's Teams

Classifed by Competition Level Number of Male Teams Number of Female Teams
Non-varsity Levles 4 3
Varsity Levels 11 11

Total Number of Players on Team Rosters

Girls Badminton (V) 18
Boys Badminton (V) 24
Baseball (JV and V) 20
Girls Basketball (JV and V) 20
Boys Basketball (JV and V) 22
Cheer - Traditional Competive 22
Girls XC (V) 20
Boys XC (V) 25
Football (JV and V) 45
Golf (V) 7
Girls Soccer (JV and V) 26
Boys Soccer (JV and V) 33
Softball (JV and V) 13
Girls Swimming (V) 9
Boys Swimming (V) 4
Girls Tennis (V) 14
Girls Track and Field (V) 31
Boys Track and Field (V) 31
Girls Volleyball (JV and V) 27
Boys Volleyball (V) 17
Girls Wrestling (V) 3
Boys Wrestling (JV and V) 19

Titlte IX Data (Last 3 years)Top of Page

Frequently Asked Questions
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Non-Discrimination Statement
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East Side Union High School District prohibits discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), intimidation and bullying in educational programs, activities, or employment on the basis of actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, parental, pregnancy, family or marital status, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. East Side Union High School District requires that school personnel take immediate steps to intervene when safe to do so when he or she witnesses an act of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying.
Questions or complaints of alleged discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying or title IX equity and compliance concerns should be directed to the Office of the Director of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion at (408) 347- 5258 or 830 N. Capitol Ave, San Jose, Ca 95133.

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El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Preparatoria East Side prohíbe la discriminación, el acoso (incluido el acoso sexual), la intimidación y el abuso en los programas educativos, las actividades o el empleo por causas de ascendencia real o percibida, edad, color de la piel, discapacidad, género, identidad de género o expresión de género, situacion migratoria, nacionalidad, raza u origen étnico, religión, sexo, orientación sexual, estado de paternidad, embarazo o estado familiar o civil o asociación con una persona o grupo de personas con una o más de estas características reales o percibidas. El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Preparatoria East Side requiere que el personal escolar tome los pasos necesarios inmediatamente para intervenir cuando sea seguro hacerlo en caso de ser testigos de un acto de discriminación, acoso, intimidación o abuso.
Las preguntas o quejas de acusaciones de discriminación, acoso, intimidación y abuso o las preocupaciones sobre la equidad y el cumplimiento de la ley con relación al artículo IX del Código de Educación deben ser dirigidas a la Oficina del/la Director(a) de Equidad, Diversidad e Inclusión al (408) 347-5258 o a la siguiente dirección: 830 N. Capitol Ave, San José, Ca 95133.

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Học Khu Trung Học East Side nghiêm cấm mọi hành vị kỳ thị, quấy nhiễu (bao gồm cả quấy rối tình dục), hăm dọa và bắt nạt trong cácchương trình giáo dục, các hoạt động hoặc trong công việc không được đặc trên cơ sở về tổ tiên, chủng tộc hoặc sắc tộc, tôn giáo, giới tính, khuynh hướng tình dục, tình trạng di trú, cha mẹ, người mang thai, gia đình, hoặc tình trạng hôn nhân, hoặc liên hệ với một người hoặc một nhóm với nhiều điểm thực tế hoặc đặc điểm về nhận thức. Học Khu Trung Học East Side đòi hỏi nhân viên nhà trường phải tiến hành ngay các biện pháp can thiệp một cách an toàn khi họ chứng kiến các hành vi kỳ thị, quấy rối, hăm dọa hoặc bắt nạt.
Nếu có các câu hỏi hoặc khiếu nại về sự phân biệt đối xử, sách nhiễu, hăm dọa và bắt nạt hoặc liên quan đến Title IX về sự công bằng và tuân thủ các điều này xin qúy vị liên lạc với Văn phòng Phó Tổng Giám đốc về Công bằng, Đa dạng & Hòa nhập tại số điện thoại (408) 347-5258 hoặc địa chỉ 830 N. Capitol Ave, San Jose, CA 95133.