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IB Diploma Program (DP)

IB Diploma Programme

IB Diploma Program at Andrew HillTop of Page

Andrew Hill has offered the IB Diploma Program since 2002. This course of study begins in the 11th grade and requires students to take six IB classes, one in each core academic subject area (English, a world language, history, science, math and a fine art/elective). In addition, IB diploma students must complete what’s known as the “diploma core": a 4000 word research paper called the Extended Essay, a core class exploring how knowledge is acquired and applied in a variety of subject areas called Theory of Knowledge, and participating in extra-curricular activities as part of the Creativity, Activity and Service requirement. Any student interested in joining the program can take advantage of what this unique educational experience offers. All students can take IB classes, regardless of whether or not they are in the full diploma program.


Andrew Hill High School applied to become an IB world school in 2002, and had its first group of IB graduates in 2004. The IB has become a signature program for AHHS and complements the array of unique excellent academic opportunities available to students at Hill, like the Health and Human Services Academy and the JROTC program.


The IB Diploma Program has earned a reputation for rigorous assessment, giving IB diploma holders access to the world’s leading universities. Andrew Hill High School's IB candidates have gone on to study at Stanford, Harvard, Yale, MIT, Cal Tech, Columbia, and other prestigious universities. Since the program began, all IB diploma candidates who met the qualifications for admission to the UC system have been admitted to a UC school, including UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UC Davis. Studies show IB students have increased odds of earning admission to top universities over their peers at non-IB schools. Some universities even offer IB diploma earners the equivalent of sophomore standing.