Social Justice and Equity
Immigrant Community ResourcesTop of Page

Amigos de Guadalupe (Rapid Response Center) | The Rapid Response Network (RRN) in Santa Clara County is a community defense project developed to protect immigrant families from deportation threats and to provide accompaniment support during and after a community member’s arrest or detention. |
Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) | Resources on this page include a wide range of downloadable tools produced for diverse audiences, from experienced advocates to directly impacted community members seeking answers about the complex world of immigration law. |
Office of Immigrant Relations (Santa Clara County) | The Office of Immigrant Relations is a county program that promotes immigrant integration and belonging by addressing issues, needs, and uplifting immigrant contributions. | |’s mission is to support a healthy and resilient community for everyone through successful integration of immigrants, refugees and asylees into our society. |
Immigrant Resources Flyer | Comprehensive resource with additional links compiled by the ILRC, AILA and others. |
Red Cards - ILRC | The ILRC’s Red Cards help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations, such as when ICE agents go to a home. |
Legal Aid at Work | This fact sheet offers information on workplace raids — including your rights during a raid — plus tips on how to prepare for a raid at your workplace. |
CLINIC | This information sheet is for immigrant workers. “Know Your Rights: A Guide to Workplace Rights for Immigrants” provides information about workers' rights while on the job. |
Know Your Rights - WorkplaceTop of Page
Know Your Rights - Police StopTop of Page
Know Your Rights - Front DoorTop of Page
Falcon Student Voices: Stand Up Against Racial and Social InequalityTop of Page
ESUHSD seeks to address institutional racism and build equitible communities in our schools, and to offer spaces for dialogue among school staff by supporting and facilitating professional development work related to race and other challenging topics. For more information on Board Resolution #2019/2020-42 (click here).
This page is led by Falcon students who want to bring awareness to social challenges in the community, and a call to action. Through the Falcon Way, students will accept and share their unique identity, background, and culture to promote positive social and emotional learning. Below are their thoughts and voices.
Falcons fight for what's right (You Matter)
- The death of George Floyd along with other deaths of African Americans have rekindled the fight against racial inequalities. The efforts to establish racial equity has always been a part of Amercian history, and with persistence and determination, people of color have paved the way for their rights. As the efforts for racial change continues, Falcons must continue to spread the message. Have your voices heard and knowledged.
Falcons are life-long learners and positively communicate their opinions (Actions Matter)
- As the racial landscape in America evolves, we need to use what we learn to engaged in positive dialogue becasue learning matters. Through postive dialogue we can seek to understand our role in the movement for raical and social equity.
Falcons are actively engaged in social change (Learning Matters)
- Join the many different organizations that are actively pursuing social change and equity for all.
- Black Lives Matter (National)
- San Jose Peace & Justice Center (San Jose)
- SIREN (San Jose)
- ACLU Immigrants' Rights Project (San Francisco)
- American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California (San Francisco)
- California Association of Human Relationships Organization (CAHRO) (San Francisco)
- Just Matters Institute (San Francisco)
- Human Rights Center (Berkeley)
- CAIR California (San Francisco)
Using Your Voice Is A Political ChoiceTop of Page
The Hill We Climb - Amanda GormanTop of Page
I Just Wanna Live - Keedron BryantTop of Page
Gender Neutral Bathrooms ReportTop of Page
This page details where and how students at Andrew Hill High School can access a gender-
neutral restroom. Andrew Hill High School is committed to expanding and protecting
opportunities for students, and to fostering an inclusive community that provides a safe and
comfortable space for all students. In accordance with district policies, we ensure that all
students are afforded the same rights, benefits, and protections. As such, Andrew Hill High
School is committed to providing all students access to a restroom facility in which student
identities are affirmed and student privacy is respected.
No student shall face discrimination, harassment, inquisition, or adverse consequences for
using the restroom that aligns with their gender identity.
To access the gender-neutral bathroom at Andrew Hill High School, follow these
- Go to the school Health Office, where the gender-neutral restroom is located (see map below).

- To access the gender-neutral restroom, ask the school nurse, or another school staff person.
- Importation information regarding gender-neutral restrooms at Andrew Hill:
- Everyone, inclusive of all gender identities, may use the gender-neutral restroom.
- If the nurse’s room or restroom is being used, then the gender-neutral restroom will be temporarily unavailable.
- A reason for using the restroom is not required to gain access, but if a student wishes to talk to a supportive adult, the wellness staff is available.
- Within the restroom, there is to be a notice posted regarding the rules and procedures for reporting a charge of sexual harassment, including the contact information for an appropriate school employee to contract to report a charge of sexual harassment; the rights of the reporting student, the complainant, and the respondent; and the responsibilities of the school. For more information, see Cal. Ed. Code § 231.6 and ESUHSD Board Policy 5145.7.
By July 1, 2026, Andrew Hill High School will be in full compliance of the law, Senate Bill
No. 760, summarized below:
- Under the law, “each school district, county office of education, and charter school” will be required to have at least one gender-neutral bathroom that meets the following requirements:
- Has signage identifying the bathroom facility as being open to all genders.
- Is available for pupil use, consistent with the requirements of subdivision (a), as unlocked, unobstructed, easily accessible by any pupil, and consistent with existing pupil access to sex-segregated restrooms.
- Is consistent with the requirements pursuant to Section 35292.6.
- Is available during school hours and school functions when students are present.
- Is stocked at all times with an adequate supply of menstrual products free of cost.
- Has a designated staff member to serve as a point of contact in case a requirement is not being met.
- Has a notice posted regarding the requirements of the law in a prominent and easy to see location outside at least one gender-neutral restroom, including contact information for the person designated as the point of contact.
- A school may temporarily close a restroom as necessary
- For a documented pupil safety concern
- For an immediate threat to pupil safety
- To repair the facility.
This message is brought to you by:
- The AHHS TEA Club
- The Social Justice/Legal Practices Pathway