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CHKS SurveyTop of Page
The California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) is an anonymous, confidential survey of school climate and safety, student wellness, and youth resiliency. It is administered to high school students in grades 9 and 11.
It enables schools and communities to collect and analyze data regarding local youth health risks and behaviors, school connectedness, school climate, protective factors, and school violence. The CHKS is part of a comprehensive data-driven decision-making process on improving school climate and student learning environment for overall school improvements.
The document below includes the link and QR code for students to complete the survey. The survey can be completed in English, Spanish, Mandarin or Cantonese.
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Mental Health & Wellness CenterTop of Page
Our Wellness Center is for students with a primary focus on providing a calm and stress-reducing space during the school day. The space is designed to allow students who are upset or otherwise dysregulated to "reset". Students who are dysregulated have a hard time accessing the parts of the brain necessary for deeper learning.
Students having a rough day who would like to take a 15 minute "unplug and recharge" break, must have a pass from their teacher and may come after attendance is taken.
Our Wellness center is staffed with mental health professionals who are dedicated to improving the health, well being, and educational outcomes of all students. The Mental Health & Wellness Center is staffed with a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Social Work Associates and Interns, and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) to address issues that may be interfering with the ability to be academically successful in school and improve student wellbeing.
In addition to the short reset breaks, students sometimes need additional supports. Those who need additional supports may receive individual brief counseling with on-site therapeutic support and/or may participate in a variety of therapeutic group workshops.
What kind of issues does the Mental Health & Wellness Center address?
The center addresses a wide variety of issues such as:
Tools available for students to use in the center include:
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If you have a student that requires immediate attention, please call 9-1-1 immediately then contact a school administrator.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If a student is in imminent danger or risk of harming themselves or others, DO NOT submit a referral. If during school hours, find an administrator or other adult right away, or contact an administrator at (408) 347-7174. If after school hours, contact 911 or EMQ Mobile Crisis Unit at (408) 379-9085.
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MH&W Center provides a number of free and confidential* services and supports to the school community including:
- Crisis intervention, educationally related mental health counseling services, support, and case management.
- Building trusting relationships with students, families, and school personnel.
- Maintain the confidentiality of student and family.
- Home visits to understand and address barriers to learning.
- Linking students and families with school and community resources.
Family Support
- Collaborating with all school personnel to assess students’ social/emotional obstacles to academic success.
- Assist teachers and administrators in developing plans to help students with academic and behavior problems.
- Develop/facilitate/coordinate wellness prevention and intervention programs and activities.
**Some services may require parental consent.
Issues that May Prompt a Student Support Services Referral:
- Mental health issues (stress, depression, anxiety, etc.)
- Suicidal ideation
- Abuse or neglect
- Lack of basic needs/homelessness
- Contact Blasa Ozuna at 408-347-5337 or email: ozunab@esuhsd.org
- Pregnancy, teen parent needs
- Change in academic performance
- Chronic attendance or tardiness issues
- Gang affiliations
- Coping or social skills deficits
- Facilitation of school-home-community communication
- Student advocacy
- Referral, monitoring, collaboration to and with community agencies
- Staff support and/or development
- Substance Abuse
When should I refer a student to Student Support Services?
A student should be referred to the Student Support Center when the student shows signs of social and/or emotional difficulties, which are interfering with the student’s success at school.
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Mandated ReportersTop of Page
Individuals designated as mandatory reporters typically have frequent contact with children. Such individuals may include:
- Social workers
- Teachers and other school personnel
- Physicians and other health-care workers
- Mental health professionals
- Child care providers
- Medical examiners or coroners
- Law enforcement officers