Falcon Way

Attendance: You MatterTop of Page
Falcons are on time, every period, every day
- We put away all electronics (cell phones and earbuds) before the bell rings.
- We are in our seats and ready to learn before the bell rings.
Attitude: Actions MatterTop of Page
Falcons use positive communication.
- We are helpful and responsible with our words and actions to ourselves and others.
- We take time to reflect when called on to discuss our actions.
- We own our actions and are prepared to make helpful and responsible decisions.
Academics: Learning MattersTop of Page
Falcons are actively engaged learners.
- We actively engage in class and are ready to learn.
- We have all the materials we will need to be ready to learn.
- We practice academic integrity (not engaging in cheating or plagiarism).
- We do our best work every period, every day.
Falcon Way LessonsTop of Page
Students can access documents and surveys for the Falcon Way lessons below.
2022-2023 |
2023-2024 |
2024-2025 |
Marking Period 1 (August 2022)
Marking Period 1 (August 2023)
Marking Period 1 (August 2024)
Marking Period 2 (October 2022)
Marking Period 2 (October 2023)
Marking Period 2 (October 2024)
Lesson Overview Folklorico Interview
Marking Period 3 (November 2022)
Marking Period 3 (November 2023)
Marking Period 3 (December 2024)
Marking Period 4 (January 2023)
Marking Period 4 (January 2024)
Marking Period 4 (January 2025)
Marking Period 5 (February 2023)
Marking Period 5 (February 2024)
Marking Period 5 (February 2025)
Marking Period 6 (April 2023)
Marking Period 6 (April 2024)